Explore 10 ways to prevent anxiety when starting a new school Starting a new school can be nerve-wracking for any young person but for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) there are additional pressures on the individual and the family. We know how hard you’ve worked to put measures in place in […]
1. Observe, Wait and Listen (OWL) strategy Look at what your child or young person is doing. Give them time and then listen to what they have to say or watch what they do. As adults, it can be easy to rush and give limited time to wait! This may mean you miss key […]
The pandemic has impacted us all in one way or another. Whether it’s the loss of work, the financial implications, working from home or not being able to get the shopping you need. We’ve all noticed a difference. But what happens when young people who are already struggling with the world we knew pre-Covid, have […]
I’m delighted to talk about my experiences so far about training our two year old pup (Nelly) into a therapy dog. A big thank you to Leonie for inviting me to be a guest blogger to talk about my experiences. Having a background as a Speech and Language Therapist, I’ve always had a passion for […]
The holidays are over! For some, it might be a welcome relief; a chance to gain some form of structure for you and your family or maybe a chance for you to catch your breath a little. For others it may mean a return to work or study meaning even more multi-tasking. You know your […]
I’m sure we all thought or hoped that Covid-19 would have disappeared by now, but unfortunately it looks like it’s here to stay for a little while longer. It’s affected people in many ways, ways in which maybe we’ll never fully understand. Mental health services were stretched before the Covid-19 outbreak, and now they are […]
Benefits of outdoor play for supporting children with speech, language and communication needs Jessica Drake, Associate SLT for Small Talk SALT Jessica qualified as a Forest School Leader in 2018 and regularly run sessions outdoors to support the children she is working with. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions; How can the […]
A day in the life of a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) Have you ever heard that SLT’s work on elocution? Have you been told speech and language therapy is solely about talking? Did you know that speech and language therapists do not only treat lisps and stammering? I’m here to give you an insight […]
As social distancing will continue for the coming weeks and possibly months all over the world, speech and language therapy will be provided online using a specially designed therapy platform, similar to video conferencing software such as Skype or Zoom.